This workshop is for anyone who would like to explore a meditative approach to yoga practice.
We will be using the infinite possibilities of body, breath and mind to create a subtle balance, to move beyond the blurred perception we often have of life, inside and outside ourselves.
Deep practice is an intensity of presence, creating a space for our inner creativity to flow. This creativity invests the way we live, the choices we make, the dreams we cultivate, even the illusions we strive for.
Yoga is often perceived as an ensemble of movements, positions and techniques with a number of beneficial effects, for the most part on our health and psychophysical well-being.
Meditation, on the other hand, is generally viewed as a way of seeking a state of calm and tranquillity, of reaching a simplistic “here and now” to counterbalance the pathologies of modern-day living.
Positive and healthy as they may be, the meaning of practice has shifted from the original vision passed down through the centuries in certain traditions and founding texts: the possibility of coming to a state that transcends rational consciousness, opening the door to a new way of living our lives.
In this traditional approach, yoga is a vehicle for the idea that a human being can let go of all his past and all his conditionings, allowing a true source to prevail over egoic experiences prompted by fear and desire.
In this workshop we will explore the possibility to take all this with us onto the mat in order to find the bridge between the metaphysical foundations of yoga and its psychophysical techniques.
By using the body as a laboratory and an instrument we can develop qualities that transcend the experiences of a yoga session. These qualities may transform the struggle of living into an art of living, becoming a part of our lives, at all times.